
Services hosted in my laptop

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Besides being listed with other posts here at, this page is a destination for visitors to my server My laptop, a 2014 System76 Kudu, is running a stack of Ubuntu Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP.

I am using my laptop to demonstrate my skills at configuring and deploying servers. Here is a list of the services that the laptop is running.

My Learning Platform

My learning platform at is implemented in Moodle, a free and open-source learning management system (LMS) implemented in PHP, using a MySQL database deployed in my laptop. The learning platform showcases a review and practice exams for the CompTIA A+ certification.

My Forum

The Forum at is implemented in Discourse, an open-source platform for community discussion. The forum comes with its own web server, which is configured to use my Apache installation as a reverse proxy on port 443.

My RStudio Server

My RStudio Server at provides my shiny-census web app. The server is configured to use my Apache installation as a reverse proxy on port 443.

Identity Manager

The Identity Manager at is implemented in Keycloak, an open-source identity and access management platform. My implementation uses a MySQL database deployed in my laptop. The identity manager is configured to provide OpenID Connect services to the forum and learning platform. It allows user to login into using Google, Facebook, GitHub, email, and others.

The identity manager comes with its own web server, which is configured to use my Apache installation as a reverse proxy on port 443.


The website is using HTTPS certificates from Let’s Encrypt provisioned automatically by Netlify. The Netlify provisioning does not extend to Instead, I used EFF’s Certbot to automate the installation of a dedicated certificate into my Apache server. The secure connection covers all the services described above.


Featured photo: Business people working on a laptop 2018 by, available here. Licensed under CC0 public domain license, free for personal & commercial use, no attribution required.